Sunday, April 12, 2009


Happy Easter! We woke up in the middle of the night to a thunderstorm with lightening and drenching rain. I was so worried the day was going to be cold and wet and I was feeling bad for all the little ones wanting to hunt Easter Eggs. It rain and was cool all morning but finally warmed up and the sun appeared for the afternoon. Gene got a stomach virus last night and was still sick this morning so he stayed home and did not go to the Easter party. My good friend Lori invited us to spend Easter Sunday with her family in Decatur, TX. Her family all gets together at her Aunt's home for a pot-luck lunch and Easter Egg hunt every year with people from all over North Texas. There was probably 40+ people there to celebrate the day. The girls and I had a great time and the food was wonderful. Her Aunt and Uncle live on a farm and have a huge barn where they set up for the lunch. There were children and dogs everywhere all running around having a blast. Everyone made Jenny, Suzanna and I feel at home and very welcomed. Last night I made homemade Mac & Cheese, ham and cheese rolls, and hand dipped chocolate and pecan strawberries. Must have been good because I came home with empty platters. It was a great day but would have been better if Gene had been there with us and if I had my CAMERA which is STILL BROKEN. I miss taking pictures everyday so much. I hope that your Easter Sunday was as good as ours. God is so good to us.

Monday, April 6, 2009


We spent the weekend at the soccer field facing the wind!! Suzanna has played soccer with the same coach and some of the same girls since she was in Kindergarten. This weekend she had soccer games Saturday and Sunday. We love to go to the games and the Hot Shots are so good and such a strong team that they have not lost a game in several years of soccer. They have tied or there were games with no score but they are undefeated. The girls are really awesome to watch and Coach Johnson is such a kind man and a great coach. The game on Saturday was perfect, sunny but windy, and the score was 0-0. The Sunday game was cold and the wind was blowing so hard it was hard to kick the soccer ball down field, the kicked ball would just kinda float in the air almost in slow motion. They won the Sunday game 2-1. These girls have come a long way from the days of kindergarten where we called it CLUSTER BALL instead of SOCCER BALL, the entire team would cluster around the ball where ever it went. You would just see two teams of little girls running around in a group. Now, the girls are PROS!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


December 20, 2008, we let the girls get a dog after months of non stop talking about a new puppy. We went to several shelters around town before we ended up at the Humane Society. We all saw this puppy at the same time and knew she was the one for our family. She was in a cage with two other male puppies which were twice her size and she was just hiding in the corner while the other two dogs were getting all the attention. We all fell head over heels in love with her and hurried to fill out all the necessary paper work so we could get her out of the cage and hold her. Jenny and Suzanna stayed posted by the cage and told anyone who came near that she was their dog. It was the week before Christmas and the Humane Society was full of people adopting dogs. They were adopting puppies as well as older dogs. We were finally able to get the puppy out of the cage and take her to a viewing room where we all got to examine her and hold her. She was so little (4 pounds) and only about 5-6 weeks old, she just fit in Jenny's arms like she belonged. The puppy was calm and let us touch and examine her all over to make sure she was the puppy for us. Jenny and Suzanna would have gone home immediately with her regardless but we still had forms to fill out and there were quite a few people and dogs in front of us. We didn't mind, we just loved on her and she was in heaven. She just melted our hearts. Jen and Suz were happy beyond words to finally get a dog. The shelter had already named her Phoebe and the girls liked the name so Phoebe it was. We are in puppy love. She is much bigger now and I would post pictures of her today but my camera is broken. As soon as I get it repaired I will update with pictures of how much one little puppy can grow.

Jenny is so happy to have a puppy.

Christmas Day 2008. I am in love!

First bath...did not like it so much. Look at those sad eyes.


My husband Gene and Jenny.

Two sisters! Best friends but different as night and day.

Suzanna plays the violin in the school orchestra. She is quite good too!

Meet Taylor...our precious 5 year old Granddaughter. Is she not the cutest? She lives in Utah and we miss her way too much.

I have started several blogs in the past 5 years but I never got them off the ground. For the past few weeks I have gotten the blog bug again and so today I deleted the old blog and quickly put together a new blog. I love the concept of having a online journal and a place to post the everyday things we do and a place to post and share my photographs. Here are a few photos of the cast of characters in my my daily life. We have so much fun together and they make me a better person. Enjoy!